Kereadta 2018: Reading Flashmob in Jakarta City Train

Kereadta is an event that is done to increase public interest to read on public transportation.

I combined 2 main points in Keredta. Literacy (Book) and Public Transportation (Train) into a single logo. I also emphasize the word READ to emphasize the mission of this event.

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Proposal Book Design

I use the color blue as the main color to show literacy and education whereas it uses blue mostly on others to show education.

I also create a logo for the committee of Kereadta which is called ‘Lokomotim’. The logo is simply the name with some decoration that shows the train and its speed. Also, I emphasize the ‘Tim’ which means Team

Lokomotim Logo

Lokomotim Logo

For 2018, I am planning to focus more on lines that we can see in the books and also on the train which is mostly straight. Another point is that I combine it with rounded squares as it symbolizes windows inside a train also there’s a saying that “a book is a window to the world”

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Proposal Book Design

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Web Design for the event

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Promotional/Introduction Design on Social Media

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Event Promotional on Social Media

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After Event Photo Template