Kereadta 2018: Writing Stories Across Railways - Chronicles of Commuting Culture

Step aboard the journey of literacy with Kereadta 2018: an innovative reading flashmob event staged within Jabodetabek’s train service. This immersive compilation marries visuals of the event’s lively pulse with the vibrancy of preparation, punctuated by a captivating after-event video. Witness the melding of literature and daily life, as books and conversations flourish against the backdrop of commuting. Immerse yourself in candid captures that chronicle preparation, engagement, and the seamless integration of culture into commutes. Relive the event’s energy through the after-event video, a window into an extraordinary celebration of reading. This narrative extends beyond the event itself, a testament to collaboration between NGOs, the train service, and the indomitable spirit of readers. Join me in retracing this remarkable journey, capturing the spirit of literature carried through the railways, and cultivating a reading culture amidst the rhythm of life.

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