Unveiling Afrowall: Elevating Engagement through Interactive Photobooth Technology


Afro Indonesia (Fashion Outlet)

Project Description

The Afrowall project sought to revolutionize the shopping experience by merging fashion with technology. This tablet-based app, dubbed the modern-day photo booth, invited customers to engage actively, capturing moments, sharing their unique styles, and unlocking rewards.

Technical Details

Technology Stack: Vue.js, Tailwind CSS, Laravel

Notable Technology: PWA, Brevo (For sending email to the user & server)

Notable Features:

  • Interactive Photobooth: The tablet-based app allowed customers to seamlessly capture moments, personalize photos with captivating frames, and receive their fashion memories via email.
  • Visual Spectacle: Captivating photos were showcased on a grand LED TV, fostering a sense of community and shared experiences.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA): The app’s PWA capability enabled installation and reuse on various occasions, enhancing its versatility.

Key Highlights

  • Fusion of Fashion and Technology: Afrowall seamlessly married fashion with technology, providing customers with an engaging shopping experience.
  • Comprehensive User Engagement: The app’s interactive features encouraged customers to actively participate, fostering a sense of community.
  • Technical Excellence: Collaboration between frameworks and friends orchestrated a symphony of technology and creativity, resulting in a visually pleasing, technically sophisticated solution.
  • Transforming Retail into Engagement: Afrowall represented the transformative power of web development in turning a retail space into an interactive arena, inviting customers to showcase their unique styles with the world.
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Start Page and User's Data Confirmation

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Taking Photo & Selecting Photo

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Frame Option Selections

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Submit Photo to be sent to both user and the interactive frame

At the intersection of technology and fashion, the innovative spirit of Afro Indonesia came to life in a captivating project—Afrowall. Fueled by the desire to create a memorable shopping experience, I embarked on crafting a dynamic solution that seamlessly blends web development with customer engagement. This digital innovation centers around a tablet-based app, a modern-day photobooth, that beckons customers to capture moments, share their style, and unlock rewards.

The heart of Afrowall lies in its ability to marry fashion with technology. This interactive photobooth invites shoppers to not just browse but actively participate. The app, meticulously crafted using Vue.js, Tailwind CSS, and powered by the robust Laravel framework, facilitates a seamless process. Users effortlessly input their information, strike a pose, and choose from an array of captivating frames. The result? A personalized fashion memory sent to their email, ready to be shared with the world on social media.

The innovation extends beyond the screen, as the captivating photos come to life on a grand LED TV, gracing the store’s exterior. This visual spectacle not only showcases the captured moments but also emphasizes the store’s commitment to fostering a sense of community and shared experiences. Moreover, Afrowall embraces the concept of a Progressive Web App (PWA), allowing the tablet app to be installed and reused for various occasions, cementing its value as a versatile engagement tool.

Behind the scenes, the collaboration between frameworks and friends orchestrates a symphony of technology and creativity. Vue.js and Tailwind CSS harmonize form and aesthetics, while Laravel seamlessly manages the intricate backend operations. The result is a comprehensive solution that’s as smooth and visually pleasing as it is technically sophisticated.

Afrowall isn’t just a project; it’s a fusion of vision and innovation, a testament to the power of web development in transforming a retail space into an engaging arena of interaction. As Afro Indonesia opens its doors to a new era of customer engagement, Afrowall stands as a beacon of creativity, inviting shoppers to step into the spotlight and share their unique styles with the world.